Legal Notice


WILDWATCHING SPAIN S.L., responsible of the website, from now on the RESPONSIBLE, puts at the disposal of the users the present document, with which it purports to comply with the obligations under Law 34/2002, 11 th July, For the Information Society and Electronic Devices Services (LSSICE), BOE nº 166, also to inform all users of the website about the terms and conditions.

Anyone who accesses this website is assumed to be a user of the website and as such commits to the observance and fulfilment of the terms of this document, and to any other legal regulation which can be applied.

WILDWATCHING SPAIN S.L., reserves the right to modify, update or cancel any type of information included on the site without any notice to the users.


Domain name:


Corporate name: WILDWATCHING SPAIN, S.L.

NIF: B24622581

Registered Office: Avda. Valcayo num 6, planta 1, Puerta H, 24900 of Riaño, León (Spain)

Telephone number: +34987740805

Email address:

Registered in the Mercantile Registry (Mercantile/Public): Registro Mercantil de León, Tomo 123, Libro 0, Sección 8, Hoja LE20888, Folio 117, Inscripción 1ª.

Registered in the Companys, Activities and Tourism Registry as a Travel Agency inside of the Retail-Online Group with ID Code CICL.24-85


All the website, which includes, but is not limited to the programming, information edition, compilation, and other operations necessary for its functioning, the design, the logotypes, the text and/or graphics are protected by applicable copyright and intellectual and industrial property registries. They are the property of the RESPONSIBLE or, if it’s the case the RESPONSIBLE has the license or authorization of the authors.

Independently of the purpose to which it is destined, the partial or total reproduction, usage, exploitation, distribution, or commercialisation, requires, in all the cases, the previous written authorization of the RESPONSIBLE. Any unauthorized use will be considered a serious breach of the industrial or intellectual property rights.

The design, the logotypes, the text and/or graphics external to the RESPONSIBLE and that might appear in the website, belong to their respective proprietaries, being themselves the ones responsible for any possible controversy regarding them. The RESPONSIBLE authorizes third parties to redirect directly to concrete content of the website, and, in every case, redirect to the main website of

The RESPONSIBLE recognizes the corresponding intellectual and intellectual property rights in favour of their proprietors; the simple mention or appearance in the web does not imply that the RESPONSIBLE has any rights or responsibility over them and they are not backed, sponsored or recommended by the RESPONSIBLE, unless expressly so stated.

To make any kind of observations regarding future breaches in the intellectual and industrial property rights, or any content of the website, you can do it trough the following email:


The provider will not be responsible or liable for information published on their website if that information has suffered manipulation or has been introduced by a third party unrelated to the organization.

Use of Cookies

This website may use cookies, cookies are small text files that a website can send to a user’s browser for storage on the hard drive to carry out some functions. Those functions are considered essential for the correct operation and visualization of the website. The cookies used on this website are in any case of a temporary nature and solely for the purpose of making subsequent transmission more efficient. Under no circumstances is any personal data (Name, address, e-mail address, etc.) ever saved in these cookies.

Through the use of cookies its possible that the host server of the website recognizes the browser of the computer in order to make browsing easier and to measure the audience and network traffic. It also makes the visit to the site more straightforward by allowing, for example, users who have signed up previously to access the areas or services reserved exclusively for them without having to sign up on each visit. This website will not install dispensable cookies without the user’s consent.

Users can configure your browser to be notified on screen of the reception of cookies and to prevent the installation of cookies on your hard disk.

Linking Policy

Users may be redirected to contents of the websites of third parties from the client’s website. The RESPONSIBLE can’t always control the content introduced by third parties in the website, therefore it doesn’t take any responsibility to this matter. In any case it will proceed to the immediate withdrawal of any content that may failure to follow the National and International Law, the moral or the public order, proceeding to the immediate withdrawal of the link to such website and bringing any relevant cases to the attention of the competition authorities.

The agency is not responsible for the information or contents of other websites, forums, chats, blogs, comments, social media or any other way that allows users to public content independently to the RESPONSIBLE’S website. However, and complying what’s disposed in the articles 11 and 16 of the Law For the Information Society and Electronic Commerce Services, makes itself reachable by any user, authority or security forces, actively collaborating in the retiring or, in any case, blocking every content that may affect or defy the national or international governing law, third parties rights, the moral or the public order. In the event that the user feels that there is some content on the website that may be susceptible to this classification, he or she is asked to notify the website administrator on this immediately.

This website has been checked and verified to ensure it functions properly. In general, its correct functioning can be guaranteed 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. However, the RESPONSIBLE admits the possibility of the existence of certain programming errors, or other errors caused by major forces, natural catastrophes, strikes or similar circumstances that impede the access to the website.

IP Address

The website services will automatically be able to detect the IP address and domain name employed by users. An IP address is a number that is automatically assigned to a computer whenever surfing the Web, allowing Web servers to locate and identify that computer. This information is registered in an activity file of the server properly registered that allows the post processing of the data with the objective of obtaining statistics measures that allow to know the number of visitors to the website, the order, the access point, etc.


For the resolution of any disputes or questions related to this website or the activities carried out on it Spanish legislation will be applicable, and the parties specifically submit themselves to said legislation, with the Courts and Tribunals closest to Riaño being competent for the resolution of all conflicts arising from or related to its usage.