Photography of Alpine and Subalpine Birds
The photography of some bird species of great interest cannot be undertaken with conventional fixed hides, but remarkable results can be achieved by using portable hides.

Wallcreepers, alpine accentors, alpine choughs and alpine sparrows
The photography of some bird species of great interest cannot be undertaken with conventional fixed hides, but remarkable results can be achieved by using portable hides. Wallcreepers, Alpine Accentors, Alpine Sparrow or Alpine Choughs are good examples of this.
These species require more complex logistics, but we are convinced that the beauty of the places we will visit to try to photograph them will captivate you.
The wallcreeper is a trusting species that often uses the same perches to sing, and stalk the small insects on which it feeds.
Photographic stalking of alpine birds. Knowledge of these places and an appropriate stalking technique can produce surprisingly positive results. Something similar happens with the rest of the alpine species that we will try to find in some of the most important rocky massifs of the Cantabrian Mountains.
In early spring, sparrows and alpine accentors congregate in certain rocky areas where the snow has already disappeared, and they are busy with their nuptial courtship without too many precautions.
Some patience can provide us with excellent images full of action and beauty.

From May 1st to September 30th.
The logistics of this type of bird photography is often complex as conditions are changeable.
A full day of photography has the following prices:
1 person: 250€/person
2 persons: 150€/person
3 persons: 120€/person

Bluethroats, common rock thrush and water pipit
The photography of some species of birds of great interest cannot be undertaken with conventional fixed hides, however, remarkable results can be achieved by using portable hides or photographic hideouts.
In the case of subalpine birds in the Cantabrian Mountains, there are excellent opportunities to photograph in great detail birds such as the bluethroat, Water Pipit, Rock Thrush, Wheatear, Northern Accentor and even some of the few breeding Blackbirds in the Cantabrian Mountains.
These species require more complex logistics, but we are convinced that the beauty of the places we will visit to try to photograph them will captivate you.
The bluethroat is a spectacular species, a small soldier that vehemently and aggressively defends its territory. It is easily photographed by placing portable hiding places next to its song watchtowers, which it visits regularly throughout the day.
Similar is the case with rock thrushes, which fly incessantly from their breeding sites to their hunting vantage points, usually large boulders in the middle of subalpine wet meadows.
Accessing this siliceous terrain at an altitude of more than 1,900 m and being able to spend the day photographing birds among the high mountain meadows and mountain rivers is a real luxury that is well worth enjoying at length.
From May 1st to July 31st.
The services have the following prices:
1 person: 160€/person
2 persons: 110€/person
3 people: 85€/person

Technical advice and materials
These species are best photographed by stalking, either with portable cloth hides or camouflage cloths in high mountain areas.
In some cases they are reached by off-road vehicles and in others using the Fuente De cable car.
In case of using the Fuente De cable car, the guide will pay his round-trip ticket and the clients will pay theirs.
Suitable lenses are 400-600mm.
It is advisable in any case to bring warm mountain clothing, as even in summer mornings are cold at this altitude.
A rain jacket will also be necessary.
Enjoy some pictures taken in our Photo Hide

How to get there?
Alpine birds
Alpine birding can be done from the Riaño region, where our facilities are located, or from Liebana.
The area of Potes or Camaleño is perfect to spend the night.
For clients arriving from Santander or Bilbao, the best option is to take the A-8 motorway to the town of Unquera (Cantabria), where we join the N-621 until we reach Potes. Alternatively, from Potes you can take the CA-185 towards Fuente De.
From the south, access is via the Piedrasluengas pass from Cervera de Pisuerga, along the CL-627, which then links up with the CA-184 until you reach Potes. Alternatively, from Potes you can take the CA-185 towards Fuente De.
From the west, access is from the district of Riaño, crossing the San Glorio pass on the N-621, arriving at Potes and taking the CA-185 towards Fuente De.
Subalpine birds
If you enter the area from the south, take the N-625, near León, and follow this road up the banks of the river Esla until you reach the N-621, which takes you directly into the mountains of León towards the San Glorio pass, until you reach Llánaves de la Reina.
If you come from the east or southeast, take the CL-626, which passes through villages such as Cervera del Río Pisuerga or Guardo. In Guardo you will take the P-215 which takes you to the Portillas pass and from there the L-215 which takes you to the N-621 in Boca de Huergano, continuing in the direction of San Glorio until you reach Llánaves.
Finally, for customers coming from Santander or Bilbao, the best option is to take the A-8 motorway to the town of Unquera (Cantabria), where you join the N-621 which, after crossing the San Glorio pass, will take you to Llánaves de la Reina.
For alpine bird photography a good option is the HOTEL COSGAYA located in Cosgaya, 39587 Camaleño, Cantabria.
It is well located and has reasonable prices and quality service.
For subalpine or to combine alpine and subalpine, the HOTEL SAN GLORIO in Llánaves de la Reina is a great option, situated at 1,400m above sea level at the foot of the Sierra de Orpiñas and just 800m away from our new photographic hides.
Heated rooms with bathroom, TV and wifi.
Hotel San Glorio – 24912 – Llánaves de la Reina – León