Sighting of Wildcat in the Cantabrian mountains
The cantabrian mountains are probably the best place in Europe for wildcat watching and photography

Wildcat watching in Spain
The wildcat (Felis silvestris) is one of the most beautiful, and difficult to see, mammal species on the European continent.
They are usually active in the twilight and at night, on the edges of forests and scrubland, usually far from the gaze of strangers, and often go unnoticed.
In most of Europe, observing and photographing cats is an exceptional occurrence, conditioned to luck. However, in different enclaves of the Cantabrian Mountains in Spain it is possible to observe these beautiful felines successfully, thanks to a basic aspect of their ecology.
In the pastures and meadows of these Cantabrian valleys there is an important population of vole rats (Arvicola terrestris), which in good times can reach densities of up to 35 ind/ha; this fact makes the cats lose their caution and leave the forest to capture these rodents in open fields, often near tracks and roads.
This gives us the opportunity to photograph them at close range, from the windows of 4WD vehicles with the help of beanbags, or to observe them quietly with telescopes at a greater distance.
It is not unusual to see, in one day, five or more cats in different meadows.
Guided wildcat watching excursions in the Riaño Mountains, transport in an all-terrain vehicle and availability of optical equipment included *.
There will be 2 daily excursions, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. The average duration of each excursion will be around 3-4 hours, with the duration varying according to the daily activity of the animals.

From 25th July to 31st October is the best time to try to observe them, although wild cats can be seen throughout the year in smaller numbers.
Meeting Points
Hotel Tierra de la Reina (Boca de Huérgano)
Hotel Presa (Riaño)
WildWatchingSpain Office, calle Solasierra n 8, Riaño ( León)
Adult: 125€/person and day
Child (up to 14 years old): 65€/person and day
In addition to our single day tours, we offer multi day tours with accommodation included and multilingual guides. Un fortunately the brochures are not yet translated into English on the webpage but you can request them in our office in the email
• SPECIAL WILDCAT AND IBERIAN WOLF TOUR from 2025 july 23th to 27th see tour
• THE BIG 3, WOLVES, BEARS & WILDCATS I, from 2025 july 28th to august 3rd see tour
• THE BIG 3, WOLVES, BEARS & WILDCATS II, from 2025 september 1st to 7th see tour
* All vehicles will have several binoculars and telescopes of top brands, available to use.
More information Tel: +34 609726444/ +34 987740805 or email:
Here are some images of the Wildcat